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Yvette Martin

February 7th, 1930 - August 24th, 2023
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Yvette Marie Levesque was born in Grand Falls New Brunswick on February 7, 1930. She is survived by her son Robert (Cathie), her daughters Louise (Croft), Nalome, her son-in-law Len and her grandsons, Cole and Chad. Yvette was predeceased by her husband Roland, and her daughter Denise (Len).

Mom was part of a large gregarious family, 15 children in all - seven girls and eight boys. Dad took the train from New Brunswick to Vancouver in 1952 and then returned to bring his bride-to-be back with him on an adventurous trip to the West Coast where they married at the Blessed Sacrament Church. The Vancouver Sun newspaper headline read “Bride Comes Here from Maritimes”.  

Mom was independent and had an amazing inner strength.  She loved music and she loved to dance. She treasured her family, caring for all of us with love, patience and compassion. 

She was an avid walker and could be seen at the Ambleside Seawall daily with her “bestie” Pat Prystay, both chatting incessantly.

Mom and Dad moved to our first family home in Woodfibre, a small pulp mill town in Howe Sound where Dad worked for Rayonier Canada and Mom was kept busy raising four children. We moved to Pemberton Heights on the North Shore in 1966 which remained her home where wonderful memories were made.

Mom was widowed at the young age of 53 years when Dad passed away at 57 years. Having her children living close by gave her comfort in the years that followed.

Working for Wine Art selling wine making supplies was Mom’s entry into the workforce and how appropriate, given that Dad was busy crushing Zinfandel grapes for wine in our basement. Mom then went on to work for Eaton’s where there was never a doubt, she was well-suited in her role of Sales Clerk in ladies’ fashions.  She definitely portrayed a sense of style.

As we grew up, life in the Martin household on a Saturday night would often include friends and/or relatives stopping in to enjoy social time, music and dancing. The arrival of her two grandsons, Cole and Chad, brought her immense joy, complimenting her ever-present youthfulness.

The women who have cared for Mom over the last 13 years became our friends and family.  They provided her with exceptional care, comfort and compassion throughout.  Appreciation and gratitude go out to the North Shore Home Care Nursing Program and the in-home Palliative Care Program.

Mom will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved her.

A Celebration of Life is planned for a later date in the Fall.


Guy Levesque
September 27th, 2023
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Dear Louise & Croft, Nelome, Robert & Cathie , Len , Cole & Chad , please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss .. I loved Tante Yevette , she was a vibrant , charismatic lady .. I’ll always cherish all my layers in Vancouver during my 43 year career at AC … We use to get together often for nice dinners a delicious Zinfandel wine made by your Dad Roland … We’d play music , sing , dance and share old time stories of their beginnings in BC . I will also keep our memories of travelling to Paris with Mom & Dad close to my heart … It’s always difficult loosing a parent at any age , god bless her and your families , big hugs , I love you all and look forward to seeing again soon ..

Lynne Levesque
September 23rd, 2023

Dear Louise , Nalome and Robert,
I wish to offer my sincere condolences for the loss of you Mom. I have great memories of the beautiful and classy women she was. And whay can I say about her beautifull smile !
My thoughts and prayers are with in these difficult time !
Take care,
Lynne and family

Craig Prystay
September 19th, 2023

Yvette....Mrs. Martin.
I was lucky enough to grow up with the Martins as neighbours, since the early 60’s. Mrs Martin as I called her until 15 years ago, always had that beautiful smile and that Martin laugh.

The Saturday afternoon/evening get togethers, meant that if my mom Pat went over to visit, it most likely meant we would have to phone the Martins later and she would say, “cook yourself some dinner boys ,I am going to be home late”.

I will always keep great memories of Yvette and yes one of them was when my mom Pat teaching her how to drive a car.

Condolences to the Martin Family and to all Yvette’s friends that I know will miss her always. Craig Prystay

Lucille Laplante
September 13th, 2023

I want to extend my condolences to all my sweet cousins and their families. Aunt Yvette was a wonderful lady and will be remembered with love and admiration by all who had the pleasure of knowing her. May you look to the heavens with a smile and know that you have an Angel watching over you all !

Sending Love and Peace,
Lucille and family

Nicole & Reneild Deschênes
September 13th, 2023

“Sadly missed along life’s way…Lovingly remembered every day…No longer in our life to share…But in our hearts you’re always there…”
I remember tante Yvette’s smile and laughter…beautiful lady…

Louise, Nalome, Robert and family, please accept our sincere condolences.
Nicole & Reneild

Francine Mercure Bosse
September 12th, 2023

We would like to express our deepest sympathies to all the Family!
What a beautiful picture of Matante Yvette! May she now rest in peace!

Betty-Ann Woodhouse
September 11th, 2023

Dear Louise, Nalome, Robert and respective families

I am so deeply saddened by the loss of your beautiful mother and my “Matante Yvette.” She was very classy and such an elegant lady. My own mother Anita passed several years ago, and she always looked forward to receiving letters from her sisters. Your mother wrote to my mom often and mom was so appreciative of her letters. I don’t know if you remember when all of you came to Montreal for Expo 67, but I remember and we had such a wonderful time together. Mom and Aunt Yvette made the famous and traditional “Levesque Chicken Stew”. I think all the Levesque sisters were amazing cooks and that stew was so delicious.

Every year I go on a pilgrimage to the Chimayo Sanctuary in New-Mexico. I was there 2 days ago and I meditated in prayer and lit candles for my mother Anita and her sisters Eleanor, Lenora, Albertine, Lorraine and Yvette. May their light shine brightly in their celestial abode and may their light help guide us on Earth. I am so very sorry for your loss.

With love and affection,
Your cousin Betty-Ann

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